The world’s most popular sex enhancement techniques; Do what you love most, do it well, one minute is forever; If you do it badly, your lover won’t want to sleep with you again. The world’s most intimate knowledge makes you a highly skilled lover. There are many small details revealed in the little secret, you can see his personality oh!

Candlelight, moonlight let a woman change the beauty

According to a new survey covering more than 6,000 women around the world, 37% of women are happier to have sex by candlelight or moonlight, because the special wavelength of candlelight and moonlight can make a woman’s skin look more tender and rosy.

  1. Men change positions just to please women

Not every man is keen to change positions in bed, in fact, they do it more to please women. From the physiological point of view, men are much less picky about the position than women. As long as there is no excessive muscle squeezing, they can orgasm in almost any position.

  1. “Autotalk” makes women orgasm faster

Most women love romance. Women are better at ‘self-talk’ in bed than men, according to a British sex therapist. Experts did a three-month follow-up survey on a group of women and found that 34% said that while making out with their boyfriend, if the fantasy of the beach, blue sky, white clouds and other natural scenes, orgasm came faster.

4, the busier the day, the more to release at night

British sexual psychology researchers have found that the more efficient a woman is during the day, the more she needs to release stress at night. Because of being too tired to omit the “strong woman” who makes out with her boyfriend, the psychological desire will gradually accumulate, leading to the collapse of the spiritual defense line, which is also the reason why the love of “strong woman” often appears obstacles. So no matter how busy you are at work, make time to spend the night with your boyfriend.

  1. Women feel safer having sex in a car

According to a recent survey by the American Women’s Medical Research Center, 19 percent of women like to use the car as a place to make out. Because the car has good tightness, it is a flowing “bed”, which can bring a stronger sense of security than the bedroom. If you’re looking for something new, you might want to move it from the bedroom to the back seat of the car.

  1. Don’t say goodbye after sex

Love psychologists say that if the lovers are separated during the day, they will feel that they have a future to look forward to, but if they choose to say goodbye at night, especially after sex, they will have a feeling of “permanent separation”. Therefore, even if it is a temporary separation, do not propose in bed, otherwise both sides will be extremely depressed.

7, men see red sexual excitement, women see purple sexual fantasy

Spanish medical experts say that men will be sexually excited to see red, while women will have physical fear when they see red due to menstruation. Making out in the purple atmosphere of the bedroom, a woman’s sexual excitement will be 15 percent higher than usual. Because purple is similar to the color of human mucosa, it can make women have rich sexual fantasies.

By Daisy

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